Boston Escorts 24/7 | (917) 803-3592

“I live by the philosophy, ‘work hard, play hard,’” Sasha admits. “That’s because at some point when I was younger I realized, after I had a birthday, that there was only so much time in the world. If I wasted it, I was never going to get it back. Every day was like the ticking of a clock. Every week gone was a week that I would never see again. That was the moment I realized that in order to live life to the fullest, you’ve got to put the effort in. You’ve got to work really hard for all of your goals, to achieve as much as you possibly can while you’re still young enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you wait too long, you’re going to run out of time. And anyone of us could end up leaving this world before we’re ready. Heck, are any of us ever ready? But really, we all know somebody who left young. So when I get up each day, I tell myself, ‘This is my goal for the day,’ and then I work my butt off to achieve it. And after I’ve spent a long week working at my goals, I’m ready to play hard too. Of course, I get to do something most girls don’t get to do, and that is party when I’m working. But it is still working toward your goal, still making money as you take on clients no matter how much fun they are. I’m just blessed that I get to work at a job that I love and that I’m good at.”

One of the other things that Sasha is good at is dancing, and she is happy to talk about it. “I love the freedom that is dancing,” she says. “When I’m in a club, or out there on that dance floor, when I just let myself go and let the music flow through me, just pour itself through my body and take me over, I know that I can’t worry. I can’t think about the stresses of everyday life. I can’t be on my phone or looking at my schedule or doing any of the countless other things we all do to distract ourselves. When I’m dancing, I’m completely in the moment, and when I let the music take me, that’s as spiritual as spiritual gets. Isn’t that what Zen is, being totally in the moment and letting things just be how they are? Well, I have never been into Zen as such, but I believe in that being in the moment part. I believe in just giving yourself over to the music. I think every guy responds to a girl who can tap her wild side like that, too. They know that a girl who is capable of getting primal, a girl who can get in touch with herself like that, is a girl who can give them complete and total passion. Every man wants a woman who can do that for him. Passion is what makes us human. It’s what gives our desires focus. It’s one thing to know you want a beautiful woman, want to put your hands on her hips, want to feel her in front of you and grinding against you. It’s another to channel your passion into actually making her yours. I think that’s what makes true passion really rare and what gives it power. When you have passion, there is nothing you can’t overcome. There is no force that can stand against you. That’s what they mean when they say ‘love conquers all.’”


Age 24
Height 5’4″
Hair Brunette
Ethnicity Caucasian
Donation $1,000/Hour
Orientation Straight

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(917) 803-3592

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Sasha loves to move her body, but she loves the attention she gets more. “I’ve known from a young age that men like what I have,” she says, “and I am comfortable with that. Every woman has this power over men. She can use that power for good or she can use it to be bad to them. I have always thought that the ability to make a man happy just by being close to him, showing him kindness, treating him with respect, is the better way to use the ability that all attractive women have. It’s so nice to be able to bring a smile to a man’s face, to comfort him, to give him the companionship I know he wants. It really just gives me a charge to know that I’ve done that for someone. It’s one of the reasons this job is so gratifying. I am very lucky to be able to live the lifestyle of a Boston escort.”

Sasha goes on, “I would never want to live a mundane life, chained to a desk in an office somewhere. To me, that’s a fate worse than death. When you think about it, you die a little every day when you walk into a place like that. Instead, I can go out, have a good time, live my life, and be the person I have always wanted to be. That’s a very fortunate way to live your life. Every day I realize I’m lucky, and I try to be very grateful for that, because I know not everybody gets that chance. It’s just part of the incredible life of a Boston escort. I have a great job, I meet interesting people, and I have fun every day. Nobody could really ask for more than that, I don’t think.”